Dr. Roland Pusch

Department of Biopsychology
Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience
Faculty of Psychology
Ruhr University Bochum
Universitätsstr. 150
44801 Bochum

Room: IB 6/131
Phone: +49 (0)234 32-24037

Dr. Roland Pusch
Dr. Roland Pusch
Research Interests

The investigation of the neurophysiological basis of cognitive behavior is the focus of my research. My work is based on controlled behavioral experiments, which I combine with modern electrophysiological single-cell recordings and with optogenetic interventions. This enables me to elucidate neuronal processes that underlie extinction learning, object categorization and working memory performance. Studies on the brain of pigeons (Columba livia) uncover species-specific as well as general processing mechanisms. This comparative research approach allows causal statements about general brain functions and represents the central aspect of my research.

Güntürkün, O., Eugen, K. von, Packheiser, J., & Pusch, R. (2021). Avian pallial circuits and cognition: A comparison to mammals. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 71, 29–36.

Packheiser, J., Donoso, J. R., Cheng, S., Güntürkün, O., & Pusch, R. (2021). Trial-by-trial dynamics of reward prediction error-associated signals during extinction learning and renewal. Progress in Neurobiology, 197, 101901.

Rook, N., Tuff, J. M., Isparta, S., Masseck, O. A., Herlitze, S., Güntürkün, O., & Pusch, R. (2021). Aav1 is the optimal viral vector for optogenetic experiments in pigeons (Columba livia). Communications Biology, 4(1), 100.

Azizi, A. H., Pusch, R., Koenen, C., Klatt, S., Bröker, F., Thiele, S., Kellermann, J., Güntürkün, O., & Cheng, S. (2019). Emerging category representation in the visual forebrain hierarchy of pigeons (Columba livia). Behavioural Brain Research, 356, 423–434.

Packheiser, J., Güntürkün, O., & Pusch, R. (2019). Renewal of extinguished behavior in pigeons (Columba livia) does not require memory consolidation of acquisition or extinction in a free-operant appetitive conditioning paradigm. Behavioural Brain Research, 370, 111947.

Lengersdorf, D., Pusch, R., Güntürkün, O., & Stüttgen, M. C. (2014). Neurons in the pigeon nidopallium caudolaterale signal the selection and execution of perceptual decisions. The European Journal of Neuroscience, 40(9), 3316–3327.

Pusch, R., Wagner, H.‑J., Emde, G. von der, & Engelmann, J. (2013). Spatial resolution of an eye containing a grouped retina: Ganglion cell morphology and tectal physiology in the weakly electric fish Gnathonemus petersii. The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 521(17), 4075–4093.

Kreysing, M., Pusch, R., Haverkate, D., Landsberger, M., Engelmann, J., Ruiter, J., Mora-Ferrer, C., Ulbricht, E., Grosche, J., Franze, K., Streif, S., Schumacher, S., Makarov, F., Kacza, J., Guck, J., Wolburg, H., Bowmaker, J. K., Emde, G. von der, Schuster, S., . . . Francke, M. (2012). Photonic crystal light collectors in fish retina improve vision in turbid water. Science (New York, N.Y.), 336(6089), 1700–1703.

Engelmann, J., Bacelo, J., Metzen, M., Pusch, R., Bouton, B., Migliaro, A., Caputi, A., Budelli, R., Grant, K., & Emde, G. von der (2008). Electric imaging through active electrolocation: Implication for the analysis of complex scenes. Biological Cybernetics, 98(6), 519–539.

Pusch, R., Emde, G. von der, Hollmann, M., Bacelo, J., Nöbel, S., Grant, K., & Engelmann, J. (2008). Active sensing in a mormyrid fish: Electric images and peripheral modifications of the signal carrier give evidence of dual foveation. The Journal of Experimental Biology, 211(Pt 6), 921–934.